I finally made something in time for Halloween! This year I decided to make a project with a Harry Potter theme - some labels for potions bottles. The ingredients in question are specifically the ones used for Polyjuice Potion - or the potion that makes you turn into another person.
I took the inspriration from my old, old files back from college 10 years ago in my Packaging Design class, where I made Apothecary-Style Vitamins called 'Xirias'.

I took the parchment look and added some royalty free illustrations from the British Library for each of the ingredients. After creating them, I realized that most 'witches or wizards' wouldn't have exactly the same bottles in their cabinet, so I made a few different sizes and shapes to add variety.

The result is a full set, and even a label for the actual completed Polyjuice Potion, complete with instructions and warnings on the back.

Just for funsies, here's a list of what was actually in the bottles for the photos:

Polyjuice Potion: Canola oil + Water + Blue food coloring
Knotgrass: Oregano
Fluxweed: Marjoram
Saltpeter: Curry Powder
Lacewing Flies: Craft moss
Boomslang Skin: Toy snakes
Leeches: Aluminum foil wrapped in black painter's tape
Bicorn Horn: Aluminum foil wrapped in masking tape
You can make them too! These labels are available for download at my Etsy Shop!