I've been playing with 2 part epoxy resin for a while now, but here's my attempt at a 3D baby sea turtle hatchling, made by painting on a thin layer of hardened resin, letting it dry, and repeating for 8 layers. What do you guys think?

To give it an ocean feel, I used a large lion's paw seashell, which would hold the resin.

I then sketched out how I wanted the turtle hatchling to look. I wanted it to feel like you were holding a real turtle hatchling in your hand.

I used transparencies to paint out each layer, so I could visualize before actually painting the real thing. Here I planned out 6 layers, but I actually ended up doing about 8.

How the turtle looked with all the transparencies layed out on top of each other. And below are some detail shots of the finished turtle!

I made this turtle as a Christmas gift for my sister, but If you'd like your own 3D resin turtle, I have some smaller versions available at my Etsy. Thanks for reading!